
Showing posts from May, 2018

Mask, or Makeup? What do you see?

WHAT DO YOU SEE? I want to share with you a poem I wrote a while ago, which in a lot of ways is still relevant to me, even as I write this.  I know I don't speak for everyone, but for myself,  it is not uncommon to act a certain way, or put on a smile, or pretend to enjoy something, even if inside, it is a complete act.  This poem has very personal thoughts in it, some are relevant and some are not. Please take the time to read it, and understand, this is how I can share myself.  Sometimes I fake the smile But often I can't talk Sometimes I hold it back But often I can't walk Sometimes I do And sometimes I don't While God says I will My body says I won't My family means so much They have love to give I'm trying to keep going For them I want to live I don't see light in my heart I just feel empty and blue But I need to give that up God knows what to do I need to leave myself alone To stop t