
Showing posts from October, 2019

Depression definition?

I wrote this little article i wrote ages ago. I thought i had put it up here but it doesnt look like i have. Hope you gain insight from it. Sorry its not written colorful. I feel too dark to try Depression. It's a word that gets thrown around a lot, with little understanding on what it's really like to suffer depression. The first point I want to make clear is that I'm not talking about normal low moods. Everyone has there ups and downs. I'm talking about clinical depression. A medical condition effecting a persons brain and body. Depression can effect anyone, young or old. Sometimes a life event can trigger depression, sometimes it's purely a chemical imbalance, and sometimes it's a mixture of both. Some people find talking to a councilor, a friend or psychologist along with some simple lifestyle changes, can be enough to manage and control their depressive symptoms. But for those suffering major depression, medication is usually necessar