
Showing posts from January, 2018


RAIN , HAIL AND SHINE Friday 26/01/2018                                     ‘Mood swings’ Everyone has heard the phrase.  The dictionary explains it as ‘an abrupt and unaccountable change of mood’. You wake up in the morning happy and energetic (I wish!) but by morning tea time you’re cranky, and then at dinner you are excited.  Or one minute your laughing, the next minute your crying.  It can be confusing to those around you, but it can also be confusing for yourself. Why am I talking about this today? Because our moods and behaviours impact so much of our life, it’s important to feel free to share and discuss these things.  I have learned the hard way how my mood swings affect those I love.  For example, one day, I was in a good mood. I was relaxed, calm and happy. My treatment was working (as much as it could) and I had family helping me with my kids. It was quiet at home and I had no responsibilities.  But then, the next day, I was a mess. I wa

Please listen

 Friday, 20 January 2018 Why can’t you understand????  Writing this blog is very difficult for me. I don’t like putting myself out there. I don’t like people seeing my weaknesses.  But at the same time, I need to help people see. To understand what depression and anxiety is.  I’m not really sure how to share myself more, my story.  I want to reach out to people suffering, and to also speak to others, to show support and raise awareness of mental illness.  At the moment, that’s hard.  I am scared to say anything about myself.  It makes me feel vulnerable.  Insecure. But that is also part of the illness I suffer from.  My mind turns against me at every stop. Turning a simple word or action into something it’s not. I worry that whoever I speak to or message will roll their eyes, or misunderstand something.  I fear people are judging me. I worry that nobody actually really cares.  Feeling misunderstood leads to immense loneliness.  I’m going to share with you