Weak..or strong?

Strength in weakness

I have heard before the phrase 
‘You cannot appreciate life, without death, you cannot enjoy happiness without sadness, you cannot feel love, without first experiencing loneliness’

This phrase is very true.

One thought i want to add, is that 
‘you cannot be strong, without first climbing from weakness.’

When we are first born, we are completely dependent on those around us to survive. We cannot walk, talk, eat, without the help and guidance of our parents. 

Imagine a small baby boy. At first he couldnt even support his own head. As he grew, his muscles became stronger, and he learned how to move his body. He started crawling, stumbling, falling and walking. He was weak in his ability at first, but now...there is no stopping him!

In our own life, we can take from this an encouraging point, 

Weakness transforms into strength, and opportunities continue to blossom

When we are in a position in our life where it feels like weakness has overtaken us, it is hard to see beyond that.

Instead of noticing the things we can do, most people with mental illlness will more likely focus on the things we cant do.

But the thing we need to try and realize, and remember, is that athough it is often the hard things, the difficult struggles we face, that make us feel weak, unimportant and often useless, it is also these same things that teach us, strengthen us, give us guidance and wisdom.

If there was any way i could achieve those things without the struggle, i would gladly walk that path, but unfortunately life doesnt work that way.

One thing i have tried to tell myself many times, throughout my depression, is that even though my struggles remain untreatable, i can use the insight and understandiing i have gained from this, to help others to feel heard, and to maybe provide some helpful tools for those around them.

I have been given an opportunity. A chance to bring meaning and encuragment to others (this is my hope, anyway). 

If i had never suffered depression, i would never have been able to realise what a precious gift life is. I wish i could grasp it for myself, but i can at least hope others may be able to grasp it. 

In this way, my weakness, my inability to control and manage my illness, is also the thing that provides strength. It has given me wisdom i didnt have before.

I would trade it any day, i much prefer the idea of being free from my darkness, but at least i know that while i am still alive  i can hopefully be able to encourage others. 

My weakness (my deep depression and my inability to cope with it) is also what makes me stronger, because i know how important it is to try. To use whats given to me, to practice and research and continue to learn and understand what life is. 
Without my illness, i may not have realized the value of wisdom, of life.

So remember, whatever we are going through, whatever we feel is a weakness, use it. Help those things guide you. Re adjust your focus. 

You may be surprised by the outcome. 

Dont look down on our inabilities
Look up, at our possibilities

Thankyou for taking the time to read this. 
Please feel free to comment, question or respond to this blog. 


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