Half empty..or half full?


It sounded both confusing and simple at the same time.

It’s all about whether we see things as a positive thing (half full), or negatively (half empty).

My psychologist asked me this question the other day. I knew it had to be the full one.
 I was wrong....and also right at the same time.
We don’t have to settle on one perspective, good or bad. 
Things are allowed to be both of them at the same time.

I showed this picture of the cups to my son (9yr old) to see what he would say. His answer blew me away. 


What? How did he manage to come up with something I have been questioning for over 30 years??? 

Sigh... To have the mind of a child again. 

It sounds so simple, doesn’t it?

If only we could put it into practice more.

One thing I read a while ago that I try and think of every night. 
“If you woke up tomorrow morning, with only the things you thanked God for, what would you have?”

I don’t know about you, but my world would look pretty empty! 
I can’t thank God for each individual thing in my life every , or I would never be able to do anything, it would take too long
Doesn’t mean I can’t be thankful though. I ask my kids every night to think of one thing that made them smile that day, to thank God for, and one thing they need to ask Gods help for.
It’s not the quantity, but the meaning behind it. 
I can have a really bad day, lots of tears and pain. I would tell God how horrible I feel. I would say to God ‘Why? Where are you God?” And then, in the same prayer say “God Thankyou that I am alive to give my kids a hug.”
This is both the good and the bad. 

Whether you have a faith in God, or not, you can do this too. Say to yourself each day ‘I can be both good and bad, it’s ok’
  Depression is known for altering our thinking. It wreaks havoc on our positive and negative thinking, constantly dragging us down.

This makes it extremely difficult to remind ourselves that although the glass is not full, at least we have water.

Please don’t feel like there is anything wrong with you if you see the glass as half empty. 

The reason this quote exists is because we all fall in this trap.

We can’t change the bad, we can’t live a life with a completely full glass, it is impossible. But we can chose to notice. Notice all things, both good and bad.

My good thing last night was simple. So was my bad thing. 

My son couldn’t have the same dessert as us, it had dairy. The half empty part was the sadness that he was missing out, and that was my fault somehow. The part that made it a positive? We offered him lemon sorbet, (one of his favorite). His eyes lit up and he said,
“Mummy, you just made my cup half full!” 
It doesn’t get any better than out of the mouth of children.

I challenge you today. Take a moment to think. What is one thing that can remind me that I have a glass? That I have water in my glass? 
  And remember, there is always a choice to notice both sides.

Good luck! 

Thank you for reading! Please take the time to reflect and respond. I would love to hear your thoughts! 

Any questions or suggestions are most welcome! Enjoy yourself and have a good day. 


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