Questions.... WHY??


What is life, without the fear of death?
What is peace, without the pain of fear,
What is relief, without the sadness of pain?
What is happiness, without the regret of sadness?
What is hope, without the exhaustion of regret? 
What is refreshment, without the question of exhaustion? 

What is an answer, without a question???  

Ok. So what is the question? 

It’s not an easy one to answer because we all have questions. They are all different but with the same valid intent. 

If we never asked questions, we wouldn’t learn anything.

But, do we over analyze things? 
I know I do.
Far too much!!!

I ask God, ‘Why?’
Why do I suffer? 
Why did this happen? 
Why did that person die? Why do people cry? 
On and on.
The answer is always the same. 
‘Because, it has to be that way.’ 
God knows an awful lot more than I do. Than I ever will. Than anybody ever will. 
And I prefer it that way. 
It scares me. 
It terrifies the insides out of me.
But to be honest, it’s the only way.

If I had never ever heard of death or known someone who no longer lives, how would I know that I was different? That the fact my heart beats every day is a blessing, a miracle? 
If I never felt pain, never felt sad or alone, if I had never felt worthless, how could I ever understand what it was like to be happy, to be loved and treasured?

So many questions! It never stops really.
Unless we let it.
We don’t need to ask why.
Will it stop our past from being true? Will it stop our current turmoil? Will it solve all our future problems? 
That is one thing I can answer....

So why focus on the question? 
Instead, we need to focus on the need. 
The need for love. The need for truth. The need for life. 
Do what we can, every single moment. 
Yes I’m in pain. But asking why, isn’t going to transport me into the next room. So instead, I stand up and I walk into the next room. 
It sounds simple, but I know it’s not.

I’m not saying stop asking questions, stop understanding.

But I am saying, don’t get caught up in it. Don’t get weighed down by it. 

Life is hard. It’s complicated and tough.
But, it is worth it. 

Keep trying. 
Keep hanging on.
Keep living.


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